Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Howard Bauman, Remembered

L-R: My mother Lucy, my grandfather Howard,
holding my little sister Bethany.
My grandparents hold places of high honor and status in my mind. I paint the picture of my family by introducing them, "Both of my grandfathers were Mennonite pastors." My heritage is one of deeply rooted belief in a God that has loving plans for His children, whom he knows and calls by name.

We also sing a lot of hymns.

My grandpa Bauman (my mom's dad) passed away last week. While his health was gradually failing over the last few years, he remained mentally sharp, just a few weeks from his 91st birthday at the end of this month. Grandma Bauman (94) is a petite woman, full of grace and quiet compassion. And while my grandpa was very capable of loudly voicing his opinion, be it from the pulpit or to the Rogers Cellular customer service agent, he too held himself with a humility that feels almost foreign in our modern age of individualism and self-promotion.

I will miss you, Grandpa. But I will find your laughter in the jokes my uncles tell, your compassion in the caring hugs of my aunts, your gentleness in my cousins stories, and your faith in my mother's prayers.

I love you, Grandpa.